주간 크립토 동향. 안녕하세요 여러분, 그레이스케일이 ETF 전문팀의 채용을 확대하는 등 ETF 분야에서 움직임이 일어나고 있습니다. 다음의 동향을 참고하시길 바랍니다:.
21 Aug 2023, 07:25
🖊주간 크립토 동향🖊
안녕하세요 여러분, 그레이스케일이 ETF 전문팀의 채용을 확대하는 등 ETF 분야에서 움직임이 일어나고 있습니다. 다음의 동향을 참고하시길 바랍니다:
Ethereum Launched Devnet 8, First Testnet includes All EIPs for Cancun/Deneb Upgrade
이더리움 데브넷 8 론칭, 모든 Cancun/Deneb 업그레이드의 EIP가 첫 테스트넷에 포함
OpenSea Gives Up on Royalty Enforcement, Switches to Optional Royalty on August 31
오픈씨 로열티 강제제도 포기…8월 31일부터 선택적 로열티로 전환
Injective Upgrades Tokenomics with No Limit on $INJ Burn Acution
인젝티브, $INJ 소각 실행 무제한의 토크노믹스로 업그레이드
Grayscale Starts Hiring ETF Team
그레이스케일, ETF팀 채용 시작
Shibarium Has No Bridge Issues and Users' Funds Safe, Shiba Inu Developer Says
시바이누 개발자, 시바리움은 브릿지 이슈가 없고 유저 자산은 안전하다고 밝혀
US SEC is set to Approve Ethereum Futures ETF
블룸버그: 미국 SEC, 이더리움 선물 ETF 승인할 준비 마쳐
Avalanche Foundation Provides $3 Million in $AVAX to Dexalot
아발란체 파운데이션, 3백만 달러 규모 $AVAX를 Dexalot에 공급
TRON DAO Ventures Invests $2M in $CRV, Curve to Launch on TRON and BTTC
트론 다오 벤처스, 2백만 달러를 $CRV, Curve에 투자…트론과 비트토렌트에 론칭 위함
Former US President Donald Trump Holds Around $2.8M Worth of $ETH in Crypto Wallet
트럼프 미국 전 대통령, 280만 달러 규모 $ETH를 암호화폐 지갑에 보유
Layer2 Network Linea Deploys ERC-20 Token Bridge, Completes Alpha Mainnet Launch
레이어2 네트워크 Linea, ERC-20 토큰 브릿지 배포…알파 메인넷 론칭 완료
Same news in other sources
121 Aug 2023, 07:26
🖊Crypto News🖊
Ethereum Launched Devnet 8, First Testnet includes All EIPs for Cancun/Deneb Upgrade
OpenSea Gives Up on Royalty Enforcement, Switches to Optional Royalty on August 31
Injective Upgrades Tokenomics with No Limit on $INJ Burn Acution
Grayscale Starts Hiring ETF Team
Shibarium Has No Bridge Issues and Users' Funds Safe, Shiba Inu Developer Says
US SEC is set to Approve Ethereum Futures ETF
Avalanche Foundation Provides $3 Million in $AVAX to Dexalot
TRON DAO Ventures Invests $2M in $CRV, Curve to Launch on TRON and BTTC
Former US President Donald Trump Holds Around $2.8M Worth of $ETH in Crypto Wallet
Layer2 Network Linea Deploys ERC-20 Token Bridge, Completes Alpha Mainnet Launch
Crypto News. Ethereum Launched Devnet 8, First Testnet includes All EIPs for Cancun/Deneb Upgrade.
🖊Crypto News🖊
Ethereum Launched Devnet 8, First Testnet includes All EIPs for Cancun/Deneb Upgrade
OpenSea Gives Up on Royalty Enforcement, Switches to Optional Royalty on August 31
Injective Upgrades Tokenomics with No Limit on $INJ Burn Acution
Grayscale Starts Hiring ETF Team
Shibarium Has No Bridge Issues and Users' Funds Safe, Shiba Inu Developer Says
US SEC is set to Approve Ethereum Futures ETF
Avalanche Foundation Provides $3 Million in $AVAX to Dexalot
TRON DAO Ventures Invests $2M in $CRV, Curve to Launch on TRON and BTTC
Former US President Donald Trump Holds Around $2.8M Worth of $ETH in Crypto Wallet
Layer2 Network Linea Deploys ERC-20 Token Bridge, Completes Alpha Mainnet Launch