주간 크립토 동향. 안녕하세요 여러분, 웹3 인프라 비즈니스에 새로운 자금이 유입되고 있습니다. 다음의 동향을 참고하시길 바랍니다:.
24 Jul 2023, 06:51
🖊주간 크립토 동향🖊
안녕하세요 여러분, 웹3 인프라 비즈니스에 새로운 자금이 유입되고 있습니다. 다음의 동향을 참고하시길 바랍니다:
Wormhole Launches Cross-Chain Bridge Called Gateway to Connect Cosmos to Other Ecosystems
웜홀, 크로스체인 브릿지 Gateway 출시…코스모스와 기타 생태계 연결
Web3 Unified Operation Protocol dappOS Closes Seed Funding Round Led by IDG Capital and Sequoia China
웹3 통합 운영 프로토콜 dappOS, IDG 캐피탈 및 세콰이아 차이나가 주도한 시드펀딩 라운드 종료
Hybrid Exchange OpenEx Announced Pre-A Close for a Valuation of $50M
하이브리드 거래소 OpenEx, 5천만불 벨류에이션에 프리A 라운드 종료
Decentralized Exchange Trader Joe to Launch on Ethereum
탈중앙화 거래소 트레이더 조, 이더리움에 론칭할 예정
WSJ: Investor Group Nears $125 Million Deal for CoinDesk
WSJ: 투자그룹, 1.25억 달러에 코인데스크 인수 딜 제안
OpenSea Launches Peer-to-Peer NFT Swap Feature Deals
오픈씨, P2P NFT 스왑 기능 론칭
Aptos Seen Surge in Activity After Integrated with Social Media Platform Chingari
앱토스, 소셜 미디어 플랫폼 Chingari 통합 후 활성도 크게 증가
Web3 Game Studio Eyeball Games Closes $1.5M Pre-Seed Round with Polygon Ventures Involved
웹3 게임 스튜디오 Eyeball 게임즈, 폴리곤 벤처스가 참여한 프리시드 라운드서 150만불 유치
Meme Project Nova Launches NOVA UBI Passport, to Reward Contributors a Total of 100K $USDT
밈 프로젝트 노바, 노바 UBI 여권 출시…공헌자에게 10만 USDT 리워드 제공
Web3 Company Cosmic Wire Closes $30 Million Seed Round Led by Polygon and Solana Foundation
웹3 회사 코스믹 와이어, 폴리곤 및 솔라나 파운데이션이 주도한 3천만불 시드 라운드 종료
Same news in other sources
124 Jul 2023, 06:52
🖊Crypto News🖊
Wormhole Launches Cross-Chain Bridge Called Gateway to Connect Cosmos to Other Ecosystems
Web3 Unified Operation Protocol dappOS Closes Seed Funding Round Led by IDG Capital and Sequoia China
Hybrid Exchange OpenEx Announced Pre-A Close for a Valuation of $50M
Decentralized Exchange Trader Joe to Launch on Ethereum
WSJ: Investor Group Nears $125 Million Deal for CoinDesk
OpenSea Launches Peer-to-Peer NFT Swap Feature Deals
Aptos Seen Surge in Activity After Integrated with Social Media Platform Chingari
Web3 Game Studio Eyeball Games Closes $1.5M Pre-Seed Round with Polygon Ventures Involved
Meme Project Nova Launches NOVA UBI Passport, to Reward Contributors a Total of 100K $USDT
Web3 Company Cosmic Wire Closes $30 Million Seed Round Led by Polygon and Solana Foundation
Crypto News. Wormhole Launches Cross-Chain Bridge Called Gateway to Connect Cosmos to Other Ecosystems.
🖊Crypto News🖊
Wormhole Launches Cross-Chain Bridge Called Gateway to Connect Cosmos to Other Ecosystems
Web3 Unified Operation Protocol dappOS Closes Seed Funding Round Led by IDG Capital and Sequoia China
Hybrid Exchange OpenEx Announced Pre-A Close for a Valuation of $50M
Decentralized Exchange Trader Joe to Launch on Ethereum
WSJ: Investor Group Nears $125 Million Deal for CoinDesk
OpenSea Launches Peer-to-Peer NFT Swap Feature Deals
Aptos Seen Surge in Activity After Integrated with Social Media Platform Chingari
Web3 Game Studio Eyeball Games Closes $1.5M Pre-Seed Round with Polygon Ventures Involved
Meme Project Nova Launches NOVA UBI Passport, to Reward Contributors a Total of 100K $USDT
Web3 Company Cosmic Wire Closes $30 Million Seed Round Led by Polygon and Solana Foundation