주간 크립토 동향. 안녕하세요 여러분, 많은 블록체인 기업들이 미국시장에서 철수하고 있습니다. 다음의 동향을 참고하시길 바랍니다:.
12 Jun 2023, 05:24
✏️주간 크립토 동향✏️
안녕하세요 여러분, 많은 블록체인 기업들이 미국시장에서 철수하고 있습니다. 다음의 동향을 참고하시길 바랍니다:
Bitcoin Dominance Highest Level Since April 2021 for Nearly Half the Crypto Market
비트코인 도미넌스, 반감기가 다가옴에 따라 2021년 4월 이후 최고점 달성
US Commodity Futures Trading Commission Wins Lawsuit Against Ooki DAO
미국 CFTC, Ooki DAO를 대상으로 한 소송에서 승리
Crypto.com to Suspend Service for US Institutional Clients
크립토닷컴, 미국 기관 고객에 대한 서비스 중단할 예정
Alibaba's E-Commerce Platform Deletes Content Regarding NFT Launch
알리바바 이커머스 플랫폼, NFT 론칭 관련 트윗 삭제해
NFT AMM Protocol sudoswap Launches V2, with New Features Like On-chain Royalties
NFT AMM 프로토콜 수도스왑, V2 론칭
Ethereum Next Major Upgrade “Dencun” Scope Finalized
이더리움 넥스트 메이저 업그레이드 “Dencun” 스콥, 통합 완료
Binance.US Suspends USD Deposits, to Pause USD Withdrawals as Early as June 13th
바이낸스 US, USD 입금 중단…USD 출금은 6월 13일에 중지할 예정
Web3 Social Protocol Lens Protocol Closes $15 Million in Funding Led by IDEO CoLab Ventures
웹3 소셜 프로토콜에 속한 렌즈 프로토콜, IDEO CoLab 벤처스가 주도한 펀딩라운드서 1,500만불 유치
Taiko Raised $22 Million in Two Rounds Led by Sequoia China and Generative Ventures, Respectively
타이코, 세콰이아 차이나 및 제너러티브 밴처스가 주도한 2차례 펀딩라운드에서 2,200만불 유치
Synthetix Spot Market V3 Alpha Now Available
신세틱스 현물마켓 V3 알파, 현재 접속 가능
Same news in other sources
112 Jun 2023, 05:25
✏️Crypto News✏️
Bitcoin Dominance Highest Level Since April 2021 for Nearly Half the Crypto Market
US Commodity Futures Trading Commission Wins Lawsuit Against Ooki DAO
Crypto.com to Suspend Service for US Institutional Clients
Alibaba's E-Commerce Platform Deletes Content Regarding NFT Launch
NFT AMM Protocol sudoswap Launches V2, with New Features Like On-chain Royalties
Ethereum Next Major Upgrade “Dencun” Scope Finalized
Binance.US Suspends USD Deposits, to Pause USD Withdrawals as Early as June 13th
Web3 Social Protocol Lens Protocol Closes $15 Million in Funding Led by IDEO CoLab Ventures
Taiko Raised $22 Million in Two Rounds Led by Sequoia China and Generative Ventures, Respectively
Synthetix Spot Market V3 Alpha Now Available
Crypto News. Bitcoin Dominance Highest Level Since April 2021 for Nearly Half the Crypto Market.
✏️Crypto News✏️
Bitcoin Dominance Highest Level Since April 2021 for Nearly Half the Crypto Market
US Commodity Futures Trading Commission Wins Lawsuit Against Ooki DAO
Crypto.com to Suspend Service for US Institutional Clients
Alibaba's E-Commerce Platform Deletes Content Regarding NFT Launch
NFT AMM Protocol sudoswap Launches V2, with New Features Like On-chain Royalties
Ethereum Next Major Upgrade “Dencun” Scope Finalized
Binance.US Suspends USD Deposits, to Pause USD Withdrawals as Early as June 13th
Web3 Social Protocol Lens Protocol Closes $15 Million in Funding Led by IDEO CoLab Ventures
Taiko Raised $22 Million in Two Rounds Led by Sequoia China and Generative Ventures, Respectively
Synthetix Spot Market V3 Alpha Now Available