주간 크립토 동향. 안녕하세요 여러분, 약세장에도 산업에서 활발한 투자가 이뤄지고 있습니다. 다음의 동향을 참고하시길 바랍니다 :.

02 Mar 2023, 05:00
✏️주간 크립토 동향✏️ 안녕하세요 여러분, 약세장에도 산업에서 활발한 투자가 이뤄지고 있습니다. 다음의 동향을 참고하시길 바랍니다 : Yuga Labs to Release Bitcoin NFT Collection on Ordinals Protocol 유가랩스, 오리지널 프로토콜에 비트코인 NFT 컬랙션 출시 예정 Blockchain Game Developer Curio Research Closes $2.9 Million Seed Round 블록체인 게임 개발사 큐리오 리서치, 290만불 시드 라운드 종료 Shibarium Launches New Website and Intake System for Collaborations and Partnerships 시바리움, 새로운 웹사이트와 파트너십을 위한 인테이크 시스템 공개 Polychain Capital Plans to Raise $400M for Its Fourth Fund 폴리체인 캐피탈, 4억불 규모의 4차 펀드 모집할 예정 0x Labs Launches Tx Relay API on Ethereum and Polygon, with Robinhood Wallet as first partner 0x 랩스, 이더리움 폴리곤 기반 Tx Relay API 출시…로빈후드 월렛, 파트너로 선정 Chiliz Launches $50M Incubator Chiliz Labs 칠리즈, 5천만불 규모의 인큐베이터 칠리즈 랩스 설립 Lido Community Starts Voting for Lido on Ethereum V2 Upgrade 리도 커뮤니티, 이더리움 V2 업그레이드에 대한 리도 투표 시작 Solana-based DEX Phoenix Launches Beta on Mainnet 솔라나 기반 DEX 포닉스, 메인넷에 베타버전 출시 The Sandbox Acquires German Game Development Studio Sviper 더샌드박스, 독일 게임 스튜디오 Sviper 인수 Binance Invests in Venture Fund Nomad Capital 바이낸스, 벤처펀드 노메드 캐피탈에 투자

Same news in other sources

02 Mar 2023, 05:01
✏️Crypto News✏️ Yuga Labs to Release Bitcoin NFT Collection on Ordinals Protocol Blockchain Game Developer Curio Research Closes $2.9 Million Seed Round Shibarium Launches New Website and Intake System for Collaborations and Partnerships Polychain Capital Plans to Raise $400M for Its Fourth Fund 0x Labs Launches Tx Relay API on Ethereum and Polygon, with Robinhood Wallet as first partner Chiliz Launches $50M Incubator Chiliz Labs Lido Community Starts Voting for Lido on Ethereum V2 Upgrade Solana-based DEX Phoenix Launches Beta on Mainnet The Sandbox Acquires German Game Development Studio Sviper Binance Invests in Venture Fund Nomad Capital
Crypto News. Yuga Labs to Release Bitcoin NFT Collection on Ordinals Protocol.
✏️Crypto News✏️ Yuga Labs to Release Bitcoin NFT Collection on Ordinals Protocol https://twitter.com/yugalabs/status/1630342395295412232 Blockchain Game Developer Curio Research Closes $2.9 Million Seed Round https://blog.curio.gg/our-2-9m-seed-round/ Shibarium Launches New Website and Intake System for Collaborations and Partnerships https://blog.shibaswap.com/shibarium-intake/ Polychain Capital Plans to Raise $400M for Its Fourth Fund https://www.theblock.co/post/215985/polychain-capital-400-million-raise-fourth-fund 0x Labs Launches Tx Relay API on Ethereum and Polygon, with Robinhood Wallet as first partner https://blog.0x.org/0x-labs-launches-tx-relay-api-in-beta-with-robinhood-wallet-as-first-partner/ Chiliz Launches $50M Incubator Chiliz Labs https://medium.com/chiliz/chiliz-launches-50m-incubator-chiliz-labs-backed-by-jump-crypto-71386968e54e Lido Community Starts Voting for Lido on Ethereum V2 Upgrade https://mobile.twitter.com/LidoFinance/status/1630644346415398932 Solana-based DEX Phoenix Launches Beta on Mainnet https://mobile.twitter.com/ellipsis_labs/status/1630695726282883072 The Sandbox Acquires German Game Development Studio Sviper https://twitter.com/TheSandboxGame/status/1630584116071608324 Binance Invests in Venture Fund Nomad Capital https://www.binance.com/en/blog/ecosystem/binance-invests-in-venture-fund-nomad-capital-7677842271867688329