주간 크립토 동향. 안녕하세요 여러분, 새벽에 FOMC 발표가 있었고, 예상치와 부합하는 0. 25%를 인상했습니다. 다음의 동향을 참고하시길 바랍니다 :.

04 May 2023, 04:55
✏️주간 크립토 동향✏️ 안녕하세요 여러분, 새벽에 FOMC 발표가 있었고, 예상치와 부합하는 0.25%를 인상했습니다. 다음의 동향을 참고하시길 바랍니다 : Script for crvUSD Mainnet Deployment Released on Github crvUSD 메인넷 배포를 위한 스크립트, 깃허브에 공개 Kingdom of Bhutan has been mining Bitcoin since 2019 부탄, 2019년도부터 비트코인 지속적으로 채굴해 NFT Markets Unbalanced in April with Sellers Dominating NFT 마켓, 4월에 셀러 집중화로 불균형 현상 발생해 Curve's Native Stablecoin $crvUSD Deployed on Mainnet 커브 네이티브 스테이블코인 $crvUSD, 메인넷에 배포 Sui Mainnet and Bridge Now Live L1 프로젝트 수이, 메인넷 브릿지 활성화 KuCoin Confirms an Exchange User Is Behind the Daily 3-5 Memecoin Rugs 쿠코인, 거래소 유저가 3-5개 밈코인 러그 사태에 연루된 것을 확인 SushiSwap to Propose Changes to its "Chef" Contracts and Tokenomics 스시스왑, 셰프 컨트랙트 토크노믹스 변경 발표 Lens Protocol introduces Bonsai, an Optimistic L3 scaling solution 렌즈 프로토콜, 옵티미스틱 L3 스케일링 솔루션 Bonsai 도입 Liquidity Protocol Merlin to Launch First RWA-Backed NFT on Arbitrum 유동성 프로토콜 멀린, RWA 기반 NFT를 아비트럼에 출시

Same news in other sources

04 May 2023, 04:56
✏️Crypto News✏️ Script for crvUSD Mainnet Deployment Released on Github Kingdom of Bhutan has been mining Bitcoin since 2019 NFT Markets Unbalanced in April with Sellers Dominating Curve's Native Stablecoin $crvUSD Deployed on Mainnet Sui Mainnet and Bridge Now Live KuCoin Confirms an Exchange User Is Behind the Daily 3-5 Memecoin Rugs SushiSwap to Propose Changes to its "Chef" Contracts and Tokenomics Lens Protocol introduces Bonsai, an Optimistic L3 scaling solution Liquidity Protocol Merlin to Launch First RWA-Backed NFT on Arbitrum
Crypto News. Script for crvUSD Mainnet Deployment Released on Github. Kingdom of Bhutan has been mining Bitcoin since 2019.
✏️Crypto News✏️ Script for crvUSD Mainnet Deployment Released on Github https://twitter.com/GatheringGwei/status/1653216976360345601 Kingdom of Bhutan has been mining Bitcoin since 2019 https://cointelegraph.com/news/bhutan-bitcoin-mining-with-hydropower-since-btc-price-was-5-000 NFT Markets Unbalanced in April with Sellers Dominating https://cointelegraph.com/news/nft-markets-are-out-of-balance-with-sellers-dominating Curve's Native Stablecoin $crvUSD Deployed on Mainnet https://twitter.com/CurveFinance/status/1653872243556986880 Sui Mainnet and Bridge Now Live https://twitter.com/SuiNetwork/status/1653746857057865729 KuCoin Confirms an Exchange User Is Behind the Daily 3-5 Memecoin Rugs https://cointelegraph.com/news/kucoin-meme-coin-daily-rug-pull-confirmation SushiSwap to Propose Changes to its "Chef" Contracts and Tokenomics https://www.coindesk.com/tech/2023/04/26/sushiswap-to-propose-tokenomics-changes-to-promote-uniswap-v3-adoption/ Lens Protocol introduces Bonsai, an Optimistic L3 scaling solution https://twitter.com/LensProtocol/status/1651270830729592832 Liquidity Protocol Merlin to Launch First RWA-Backed NFT on Arbitrum https://tokeninsight.com/en/news/liquidity-protocol-merlin-to-launch-first-rwa-backed-nft-on-arbitrum