주간 크립토 동향. 안녕하세요 여러분, 파일코인의 FVM과 더불어 웹 3. 0 분야에서 많은 발전이 이뤄지고 있습니다. 다음의 동향을 참고하시길 바랍니다 :.
06 Feb 2023, 04:53
✏️주간 크립토 동향✏️
안녕하세요 여러분, 파일코인의 FVM과 더불어 웹 3.0 분야에서 많은 발전이 이뤄지고 있습니다. 다음의 동향을 참고하시길 바랍니다 :
OpenSea Releases Suite of New Tools for Creator NFT Drops
오픈씨, 크리에이터 NFT 드랍스에 대해 새로운 툴 공개
Filecoin Will Launch EVM-Compatible Filecoin Virtual Machine in March
파일코인, 3월에 FVM 론칭 예정
Cross-chain margin platform Prime Protocol is launching on Arbitrum
크로스체인 마진 플랫폼 Prime Protocol, 아비트럼에 론칭
Bank of America Burling Bank to Offer Bitcoin Services to Customers
버링뱅크, 고객에게 비트코인 서비스 제공
Indonesian Trade Ministry Plans to Launch Crypto Exchange by June 2023
인도네시아 무역부, 2023년 6월에 암호화폐 거래소 론칭 준비
Twitter Will No Longer Offer Free API Starting Feb. 9
트위터, 2월 9일부터 무료 API 서비스 중단
RSS3 Announces It Has Integrated Decentralized Social Protocol Nostr
RSS3, 탈중앙화 소셜 프로토콜 Nostr 통합
OpenSea to Introduce "3-Hour Hold Period" to Mitigate Theft-Related Risk
오픈씨, 도난 관련 리스크를 최소화하기 위한 “3시간 대기기간" 도입
Triple 5 Announces Launch of New Decentralized Prediction Protocol
트리플 5, 새로운 탈중앙화 예측 프로토콜 론칭
Threshold’s tBTC Launches Minting for Only Decentralized, Permissionless, Scalable BTC Bridge to DeFi
쓰레스홀드 tBTC, 디파이에 대한 탈중앙화, 무허가, 확장성 BTC 브릿지를 위한 채굴 시작
Same news in other sources
106 Feb 2023, 04:54
✏️Crypto News✏️
OpenSea Releases Suite of New Tools for Creator NFT Drops
Filecoin Will Launch EVM-Compatible Filecoin Virtual Machine in March
Cross-chain margin platform Prime Protocol is launching on Arbitrum
Bank of America Burling Bank to Offer Bitcoin Services to Customers
Indonesian Trade Ministry Plans to Launch Crypto Exchange by June 2023
Twitter Will No Longer Offer Free API Starting Feb. 9
RSS3 Announces It Has Integrated Decentralized Social Protocol Nostr
OpenSea to Introduce "3-Hour Hold Period" to Mitigate Theft-Related Risk
Triple 5 Announces Launch of New Decentralized Prediction Protocol
Threshold’s tBTC Launches Minting for Only Decentralized, Permissionless, Scalable BTC Bridge to DeFi
Crypto News. OpenSea Releases Suite of New Tools for Creator NFT Drops.
✏️Crypto News✏️
OpenSea Releases Suite of New Tools for Creator NFT Drops
Filecoin Will Launch EVM-Compatible Filecoin Virtual Machine in March
Cross-chain margin platform Prime Protocol is launching on Arbitrum
Bank of America Burling Bank to Offer Bitcoin Services to Customers
Indonesian Trade Ministry Plans to Launch Crypto Exchange by June 2023
Twitter Will No Longer Offer Free API Starting Feb. 9
RSS3 Announces It Has Integrated Decentralized Social Protocol Nostr
OpenSea to Introduce "3-Hour Hold Period" to Mitigate Theft-Related Risk
Triple 5 Announces Launch of New Decentralized Prediction Protocol
Threshold’s tBTC Launches Minting for Only Decentralized, Permissionless, Scalable BTC Bridge to DeFi