주간 크립토 동향. 안녕하세요 여러분, 웹3 기반 애플리케이션이 속속 등장하고 있습니다. 다음의 동향을 참고하시길 바랍니다 :. Riot Blockchain Inc.
05 Jan 2023, 06:10
✏️주간 크립토 동향✏️
안녕하세요 여러분, 웹3 기반 애플리케이션이 속속 등장하고 있습니다. 다음의 동향을 참고하시길 바랍니다 :
Riot Blockchain Inc. announces rebranding to Riot Platforms Inc.
비트코인 채굴업체 라이엇 블록체인, 라이엇 플랫폼으로 사명 변경
SBF, Pleads Not Guilty to Criminal Charges
뉴욕 연방 법원 출석한 SBF, 모든 혐의 무죄 주장
NFT project founder DNP3 admits to gambling away user funds
Goobers NFT 창립자 DNP3, 도박으로 사용자 자금 탕진 인정
Former Bithumb President Lee Jeong-hoon Acquitted in First Trial
이정훈 전 빗썸 의장, 사기 혐의 1심 증거불충분 '무죄'
NPIXEL To Launch The First Web3 Game On Aptos
NPIXEL, 앱토스 네트워크서 첫 Web3 게임 출시
Italy approves 26% capital gains tax on cryptocurrencies
이탈리아 의회, 암호화폐에 26% 자본 이득세 적용 법안 통과
DefiLlama, releases Meta DEX Aggregator
DefiLlama, 메타 DEX Aggregator 출시
Web3 Social Protocol Inspect to Shut Down on January 17th
Web3 소셜 프로토콜 ‘Inspect’, 1월 17일에 종료 발표
StarkNet-based DeFi Platform StarkDeFi Launches Testnet
스타크네트 기반의 DeFi 플랫폼 StarkDeFi, 테스트넷 출시
Indian Government Launching Crypto Awareness Campaign
인도 정부, 암호화폐 인식 캠페인 발표
Same news in other sources
105 Jan 2023, 06:11
✏️Crypto News✏️
Riot Blockchain Inc. announces rebranding to Riot Platforms Inc.
SBF, Pleads Not Guilty to Criminal Charges
NFT project founder DNP3 admits to gambling away user funds
Former Bithumb President Lee Jeong-hoon Acquitted in First Trial
NPIXEL To Launch The First Web3 Game On Aptos
Italy approves 26% capital gains tax on cryptocurrencies
DefiLlama, releases Meta DEX Aggregator
Web3 Social Protocol Inspect to Shut Down on January 17th
StarkNet-based DeFi Platform StarkDeFi Launches Testnet
Indian Government Launching Crypto Awareness Campaign
Crypto News. Riot Blockchain Inc. announces rebranding to Riot Platforms Inc. SBF, Pleads Not Guilty to Criminal Charges.
✏️Crypto News✏️
Riot Blockchain Inc. announces rebranding to Riot Platforms Inc.
SBF, Pleads Not Guilty to Criminal Charges
NFT project founder DNP3 admits to gambling away user funds
Former Bithumb President Lee Jeong-hoon Acquitted in First Trial
NPIXEL To Launch The First Web3 Game On Aptos
Italy approves 26% capital gains tax on cryptocurrencies
DefiLlama, releases Meta DEX Aggregator
Web3 Social Protocol Inspect to Shut Down on January 17th
StarkNet-based DeFi Platform StarkDeFi Launches Testnet
Indian Government Launching Crypto Awareness Campaign